
About the blog –

This is a chemistry blog written by Gauri Nigudkar. This is a place for anyone who is interested in learning chemistry i.e for all ‘Rasayan Rasiks’(people passionate about chemistry).

About the author-

Since my childhood, I have been inquisitive about various things. Science and spirituality topped the list. My father is a pharmacist and my mother is a chemistry professor. So basically, I was born into a family of science enthusiasts. I shared their passion for science and was always excited to learn more. I was a kid who asked a lot of questions and got my concepts cleared. My curious disposition helped me learn more than there was in the textbooks. My propensity to learn things in-depth helped me to master the fundamentals efficiently.

As days passed, my interest in science kept growing and I began to develop a keen interest in ‘CHEMISTRY’. I was naturally able to comprehend the subject better and so my fondness for it grew. I decided to pursue further studies in chemistry. I went through various chemistry books from my college library and tried to comprehensively overview all the topics. I incorporated all that in my hand-written chemistry notes. I successfully earned a Master’s degree in organic chemistry, when I decided to do research or teach chemistry. However, destiny had other plans. It opened new avenues for me and took me on a new path of thespianism – a path of very different chemistries!

Acting just came to me naturally. I enjoyed working in front of the camera and soon got very busy with my assignments. Although I kept busy in a totally different profession, my interest in chemistry never waned. I wanted to be in touch with the subject and somehow utilize the knowledge to help others.

Suddenly one day, the thought of writing a chemistry blog struck me! I felt that I could teach chemistry and share some knowledge with others. And here I am beginning to write this blog! Through my blog, I intend to share the knowledge, which I have learned through various sources like chemistry books, journals, videos, and google articles, with anybody who might benefit from it. The content of my posts comes from varied sources, which I have gathered over the years- so giving correct references may not be possible sometimes. I have no intentions of plagiarism.

I am not a professional writer so kindly excuse my mistakes. Suggestions and comments without any abusive language are welcome. As you and I are connected only virtually, it would mean a lot if you let me know whether you find my blog helpful. Kindly follow my blog for more updates.

A sincere thanks to my parents, teachers, and all online sources, which provide so much information to us! A very big thank you to my husband for always encouraging and helping me.

I am also into food photography and writing a food blog. For anyone interested in having a look at it, this is the link – www.bitesandbokeh.com

Be a perpetual student of life and keep learning..

Good day.

Gauri Nigudkar.


  1. Keep up the good work you beautiful human. Absolutely love the vision of this blog! I am a budding Science student myself so if I ever compile a list like this may I share it with you?


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